5 Things to Do in Lake Tahoe That Are Off the Beaten Track
5 Things to Do in Lake Tahoe That Are Off the Beaten Track
The Lake Tahoe area has several attractions that often go unmentioned but will offer an experience like no other. Here are five off-the-beaten-path attractions to explore:

4. The Lady of the Lake

The Lady of the Lake

A popular route to Cave Rock is hiking your way up to the top and enjoying the views from above. However, if you head towards the rock from the water on a boat, you will perceive the famous Lady of the Lake. The rock formation appears like a lady with facial features and her chest touching the water. The natives of the area consider her a guardian spirit, making the area sacred and significant to them.

Becky Lee writes captivating travel articles. Here at justtahoe.com she offers everything (tips, reviews, guides) you need for your visit to Tahoe city.

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